
Celebrating a Key Milestone in Our Product Development

At ReSalt, we are excited to share a significant achievement in our ongoing journey to create an eco-friendly deicing solution. We recently reached a crucial milestone in our product development process, bringing us one step closer to delivering a sustainable alternative to traditional road salt.

We partnered with Anacon Laboratories, a leading testing facility, to conduct rigorous evaluations of our deicer prototype, focusing on toxicity and heavy metal content. Ensuring that our product is safe for the environment, people, and pets is a top priority, and these tests are an essential part of our development process.

We are proud to announce that our prototype has successfully passed the Stage 1 testing for toxicity and heavy metals. The results, which we received a few days ago, confirm that our product meets stringent safety standards, reinforcing our commitment to creating a deicing solution that is both effective and environmentally responsible.

While this accomplishment is a major step forward, we recognize that product development is an ongoing process. Further testing and refinements will be necessary as we continue to optimize our formula to ensure it meets the highest standards of performance and safety. However, passing this initial stage of testing is a significant achievement that provides us with a strong foundation for the next phases of development.

This milestone is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our team, as well as our unwavering commitment to sustainability. We are excited to continue this journey and to share our progress with our community.

Thank you for your support as we move forward in our mission to create a safer, more sustainable future with ReSalt.

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